Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Reliance Tour

After Operation Drop Dead, the LiNK Nomads made their way down to UMD to screen the final cut of "Hiding".  LiNK Global is kicking this season off with The Reliance Tour.

"The Reliance is a human network of individuals committed to seeing every North Korean refugee free. With almost a billion people connected through social networks today, our goal is to mobilize an online community of activists who we can rely on to achieve this goal."

Susie, Nico, and Sarah informed us about the "Refugee Support Fund" and how we can help by starting a fundraising page.  Top 3 fundraisers can win a trip to South Korea to meet some of the people who escaped North Korea in the film (

Operation Drop Dead: A Success!

LiNK staged a flash mob last Monday, October 17th, on the Hornbake Plaza to captivate the attention of students and staff at UMD.  Participants joined the crowd of people walking around, and on the sound of the whistle dropped to the ground.

It was a very exciting event, and judging by people's reactions, a success.

Signs were made displaying disturbing facts about North Korea.  Many people were shocked when they found out this is happening in the world today.

Operation Drop Dead caused such a stir that the Diamondback Newspaper published a story on it the next day!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Cupcakes for Sale!

Chocolate cupcakes with vanilla frosting anyone?  Our first bake sale of the year attracted lots attention from the bustling crowd at the Stamp Student Union.  We got the word out about LiNK and many got to enjoy a delicious cupcake!  

"Escaping North Korea" and Jeopardy

We kicked off our year with a educational screening of BBC's documentary "Escaping North Korea".  LiNK welcomed many new members and informed them on the North Korean crisis.  The documentary shows a deeper look into the many hardships North Korean refugees have to face when they escape.  There is a long and dangerous road ahead of them, even when they're not living in North Korea anymore.  After, we tested the members on how much they knew after watching the documentary in a game of Jeopardy.