Testudo: Hi. What's LiNK?
LiNKer: "LiNK" is an acronym for "Liberty in North Korea", a non-profit, non-governmental organization that is supported solely by private donors. LiNK is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.
Testudo: "Liberty"? What's so bad about North Korea? Please enlighten me.
LiNKer: The crisis in North Korea is very serious. In the mid-1990's, a famine struck North Korea and its people suffered immensely. Millions starved, hundreds of thousands were imprisoned in concentration camps, and tens of thousands crossed borders seeking food, money, protection, and even freedom that they never knew existed. Overall, more than 1 million people died in North Korea during this time, and hardly anybody noticed.
Testudo: That's so sad!
LiNKer: You know what's sadder? North Korea was, and continues to be, a land with virtually no freedoms - of speech, assembly, religion, movement, and more.
Testudo: That's horrible! But if North Koreans are so oppressed, how did LiNK find out about it?
LiNKer: In 2001, as more North Korean refugees made the harsh and dangerous trek to free nations, information about the human rights crisis in North Korea began to spread all over the world. Defectors, aka refugees, began to testify before major institutions, books were written, and reports were compiled - all corroborating testimonies of human rights atrocities in North Korea. In 2004, two passionate individuals learned about the crisis and felt a burden to share with the rest of the world what had gone unnoticed for far too long. Educating a group of college students and young leaders about the crisis, together they formed LiNK with the hope of spreading awareness and effecting real change. The organization grew and became a movement of activists empowered by the stories of refugees and motivated by the urgency of the issue.
Testudo: Wow. I never knew about this! What exactly does LiNK do?
LiNKer: LiNK's work focuses on raising awareness through mobilizing the grassroots and telling stories of hope and survival. LiNK meets with governments, NGOs, and institutions to advocate for the North Korean people, while working directly with refugees through a network of shelters in China and Southeast Asia - protecting, educating, and assisting them to eventually find freedom and empower them to live new lives.
Testudo: What a great cause! How exactly does the LiNK UMCP chapter help?
LiNKer: LiNK chapters basically do two things: spread awareness, and fundraise to make opportunities for North Koreans possible. We also host official LiNK film screenings whenever possible.
Testudo: Awesome. When and where are meetings held?
LiNKer: They are usually in Stamp or the Armory, day and time TBA. In the meantime, catch us at The First Look Fair, September 15-16, on The Mall.
Testudo: I'm signing up on STARS! Can't wait for this school year!
LiNKer: Yay! Join our Facebook group while you're at it. Our first big event will be a screening of LiNK's new documentary, Hiding, on Thursday, October 14th, 2010 in the Prince George's Room in Stamp Student Union. More specific details coming soon. See you there!
- Lois
Source: LiNKglobal